We are subject matter experts in two niche fields.
Selection-Related Litigation. We understand the legal implications of reappointment, promotion, and tenure decisions, with an emphasis on how an understanding of the relevant legal principles can inform practice. Through the use of scenarios and cases, we illustrate the conflict between institutional and individual rights, and the potential legal problems associated with employment contracts and due process requirements. Suggestions are offered for minimizing litigation and protecting institutional and individual rights.
Adverse Impact and Disparate Treatment Actions. Both adverse impact and disparate treatment refer to discriminatory (illegal) practices. Adverse impact occurs when policies, practices, rules or other systems that appear to be facially neutral have a disproportionate impact on a protected group. Disparate treatment is intentional employment discrimination. Applicable laws prohibit job discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, equal pay, disability or genetic information. Suggestions are offered for minimizing litigation and protecting institutional and individual rights.